iOS 9.3.3中使用dumpdecrypted砸壳,killed:9

#查询到github上面的一个 方法对我有效,你可以试试。

1, copy dumpdecrypted.dylib into /usr/lib. Make sure it has appropriate permissions so that user mobile can read and execute it

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 197528 Aug 14 16:22 dumpdecrypted.dylib

2, change user to mobile:

su mobile

3, change directory into somewhere that mobile can write to:

cd /var/mobile/Documents

4, execute the command with absolute paths:

DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/dumpdecrypted.dylib /var/containers/Bundle/Application/59CEB222-4C4D-4A34-BC0F-8D38B9E3853D/

5, then, you’ll have the MyApp.decrypted file in the current directory

Tested on Pangu jailbroken iOS 9.3.3

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