Install the iRET.deb package onto any jailbroken iPhone using dpkg -i on the command line or by using iFile, which is available from Cydia. After it is installed, respiring the device and you should see a new “iRET” icon on the device.
Must be connected to a wireless network. Launch the application, click the “Start” button. It will then show the ip address and port number you should navigate to on your computer (computer must be connected to same wireless network as device). On first run, it will take a bit of time for the iRET tool to identify all of the required tools.
The following apps are required to be installed on the device (in addition to the tools required on the main page)
Python (2.5.1 or 2.7) (Need to be Cydia ‘Developer’)
Erica Utilities
Bourne-Again Shell
iOS Toolchain (coolstar version)
Darwin CC Tools (coolstar version)
An iOS SDK (presumably iOS 6.1 or 7.x) installed to /theos/sdks