xcode12.5 求助


代码贴上:`public struct DataResponse<Success, Failure: Error> {
/// The URL request sent to the server.
public let request: URLRequest?

/// The server's response to the URL request.
public let response: HTTPURLResponse?

/// The data returned by the server.
public let data: Data?

/// The final metrics of the response.
public let metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics?

/// The time taken to serialize the response.
public let serializationDuration: TimeInterval

/// The result of response serialization.
public let result: Result<Success, Failure>

/// Returns the associated value of the result if it is a success, `nil` otherwise.
public var value: Success? { return result.success }

/// Returns the associated error value if the result if it is a failure, `nil` otherwise.
public var error: Failure? { return result.failure }

/// Creates a `DataResponse` instance with the specified parameters derived from the response serialization.
/// - Parameters:
///   - request:               The `URLRequest` sent to the server.
///   - response:              The `HTTPURLResponse` from the server.
///   - data:                  The `Data` returned by the server.
///   - metrics:               The `URLSessionTaskMetrics` of the `DataRequest` or `UploadRequest`.
///   - serializationDuration: The duration taken by serialization.
///   - result:                The `Result` of response serialization.
public init(request: URLRequest?,
            response: HTTPURLResponse?,
            data: Data?,
            metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics?,
            serializationDuration: TimeInterval,
            result: Result<Success, Failure>) {
    self.request = request
    self.response = response
    self.data = data
    self.metrics = metrics
    self.serializationDuration = serializationDuration
    self.result = result

}项目代码: protocol NetworkToolDelegate {

//GET 请求
static func makeGetRequest(baseUrl : String ,successHandler: @escaping(_ response:DataResponse<Any>) ->(),errorMsgHandler : @escaping(_ errorMsg : String) ->(),networkFailHandler:@escaping(_ error : Error) -> ())

//POST 请求
static func makePostRequest(baseUrl : String,parameters : [String:Any],successHandler: @escaping(_ response:DataResponse<Any>) ->(),errorMsgHandler : @escaping(_ errorMsg : String) ->(),networkFailHandler:@escaping(_ error : Error) -> ())

/*  图片上传 请求
 * imageData : 图片二进制数组
static func upDataIamgeRequest(baseUrl : String,imageArr : [UIImage],successHandler: @escaping(_ response:DataResponse<Any>) ->(),errorMsgHandler : @escaping(_ errorMsg : String) -> (),networkFailHandler: @escaping(_ error:Error) -> ())
