Write a phone call recorder on iOS 8 step by step

hi @fewjative
Could you post the successfully code source code so i could test here?
So i directly load it on compiler

The code created by snakeninny is the code I used, without changes. What issue are you having?

1 个赞

Anyone has test the code on latest ios 9.0 or 9.0.2? Any working solution for this latest ios version?

With the Code, The call is not normal, call there is noise,anyone give me a hand ?

hi! I have a same problem to you. That is the result always 28byte, and it can’t play. Do you solve this question? Thank you

you should remove result file before run because it does not override, you can use NSLog to easy debug, i succeeded on iphone 5s, 6 ios 8.3 and 9.0.2

请教一下 如果是一个VOIP的APP,能用其中的方法进行录音吗? 谢谢!

大神 我想请问下 我可以正常运行 但是我想在app去访问这个录音路径 但是访问不到 后来我改了下路径想把他写到沙盒里 为什么找到呢


ayy lmao

简单点说 就是正向开发时去访问这个系统文件

我在ios8.3, iPhone6上测试的,打电话只能录到对方的声音,MIC没有声音。请问有遇到过吗?怎么解决呢?

编译这份代码,在ios14上运行,录制出来的音频有很多爆音(speaker),声音似乎以 -2x 速度在播放(speaker),大佬们有碰到过吗,有好的解决方案吗?

can you please share your steps or maybe share your .deb file? I have tried to run it for iOS 14 device but it was not successful. much appreciated
你能分享你的步驟或者分享你的 .deb 文件嗎? 我曾嘗試在 iOS 14 設備上運行它,但沒有成功。 非常感激