How to modify value of property in theos

im being create a tweak can change device info of iphoen device
This is header:
I want to modify some value of property like model, systemVersion
But property is readonly so i can’t modify
How to do that?
Can some one give me an example?
Thanks for reply

Just hook getter

i searched on goolge, but i cannot understand how to use this.
Can you give me an example?

All variables is readonly and have no getter :frowning:

usually the same name as the property。 Example: @property NSString* foo, then hook -(NSString*)foo{}

if property is readonly, the getter still work? right?

No it doesnt work and the program reads the value through magic /Sarcasm

i found it in here
But i don’t know Chinese so i can’t understand

so what i should to do?

Hook the ‘-[UIDevice systemVersion]’ as an normal getter. And return the value just you like. U should not worry about ‘readonly’.

i tried. but nothing change on 10.3.3, model, name same that

Show me. How do you hook the method? Do you use MobileSubstrate?
You can see my code in here

As i know, if want to get device info, we user [UIDevice currentDevice] >> i hooked
This function return a UIDevice object, but i cannot set value for value.

so how to test it ? your own app? or SpringBoard? or all app?

SpringBoard and About. and some app on apple store

paste your plist file here. i think you should modify it to make the tweak work.

Sorry. account block reply
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Thank for your help very much