

《iOS应用逆向工程》第一版在国内的反响很好,我们在京东等各大网店收获了高达95%以上的好评率;但是,第一版的内容已经不适用于最新的iOS 8,同时根据一年多以来我们跟大家不断的沟通和交流,意识到了第一版的缺憾和不足,例如讲解不够细致,术多道少等问题,影响了书的可读性。因此,我们即将推出全新的《iOS8应用逆向工程》,不但全面支持iOS 8,还大幅更新了章节内容,涵盖更多细节,配备更多例子,增加了“道”的分量,比第一版的逻辑性更强,更易读了。在第二版中,我们尝试从抽象的逆向工程中抽离出来一个通用的方法论,试图传递给大家一种逆向工程的思想,而不仅仅是工具的使用,一定不会让你失望!

  1. 你的名字将出现在国际版的“译者”一栏中,载入iOS发展的史册;
  2. 你能近距离接触国际顶尖iOS工程师,在与审核人员的沟通过程中,提高技术、开阔视野;
  3. 你能为搭建中外开发者沟通的桥梁添砖加瓦,为自己赢得国际声誉;
  4. 下次吹牛比时,你可以说:“这本书在全球iOS技术界无人不知,我起到的作用不可或缺。没有我,就没有这本书!”也可以说:“这个约炮软件的界面是我开发的,我用互联网思维拉皮条。”你选哪个?
  5. 你能得到一笔翻译费用,虽然我们不是大款,但也绝不会让你颗粒无收。
  6. 翻译《iOS8应用逆向工程》的部分章节;
  7. 与作者、审核人员保持沟通;
  8. 如果你愿意,可以担任论坛国际版的管理员,走上自己的国际化道路。
  9. 从事iOS开发、逆向相关工作至少1年以上时间(如果你有其他平台的开发经验,可以打个折:smile:);
  10. 具备良好的英语阅读能力,能够在少量借助词典的情况下读懂大部分iOS技术文章;
  11. 具备良好的英语写作能力,能够在少量借助词典的情况下把中文翻译成较为纯正的英文;
  12. 敬业精神。我们不走“完美主义”的极端,但对待事业的专业态度、认真负责和刨根问底的精神是必须的必;
  13. 有较为充裕的时间可以投入《iOS8应用逆向工程》的翻译工作,全职兼职均可,时间可以商量,但一旦定好工作量,就要尽量抽出时间完成。

DHowett, codyd51, Nitron, Haifisch, yrp, uroboro和Tyilo,排名不分先后。

Part I Concepts

Chapter 1 Introduction to iOS reverse engineering
1.1 Requirements of iOSRE
1.2 What does iOSRE do
1.2.1 Security related work
1.2.2 Development related work
1.3 Generic process of iOSRE
1.3.1 File system analysis
1.3.2 Code analysis
1.4 Tool types of iOSRE
1.4.1 Monitor
1.4.2 Development kit
1.4.3 Disassembler
1.4.4 Debugger
1.5 Conclusion

Chapter 2 Introduction to jailbroken iOS
2.1 iOS system hierarchy
2.1.1 iOS file system
2.1.2 iOS file permission
2.2 iOS file types
2.2.1 Application
2.2.2 Dynamic library
2.2.3 Daemon
2.3 Conclusion

Part II Tools

Chapter 3 OSX tool kit
3.1 class-dump
3.2 Theos
3.2.1 Introduction to Theos
3.2.2 Install and configure Theos
3.2.3 Use Theos
3.2.4 An example tweak
3.3 Reveal
3.4 IDA
3.4.1 Introduction to IDA
3.4.2 Use IDA
3.4.3 An analysis example of IDA
3.5 iFunBox
3.6 dyld_decache
3.7 Conclusion

Chapter 4 iOS tool kit
4.1 CydiaSubstrate
4.1.1 MobileHooker
4.1.2 MobileLoader
4.1.3 Safe mode
4.2 Cycript
4.3 LLDB and debugserver
4.3.1 Introduction to LLDB
4.3.2 Introduction to debugserver
4.3.3 Configure debugserver
4.3.4 Process launching and attaching using debugserver
4.3.5 Use LLDB
4.3.6 Miscellaneous LLDB
4.4 dumpdecrypted
4.5 OpenSSH
4.6 usbmuxd
4.7 iFile
4.8 MTerminal
4.9 syslogd to /var/log/syslog
4.10 Conclusion

Part III Theories

Chapter 5 Objective-C level iOSRE
5.1 How do tweaks work
5.2 Methodology of writing a tweak
5.2.1 Look for inspiration
5.2.2 Locate target files
5.2.3 Locate target functions
5.2.4 Test target functions
5.2.5 Analyze function arguments
5.2.6 Limitations of class-dump
5.3 An example tweak using the methodology
5.3.1 Get inspiration
5.3.2 Locate files
5.3.3 Locate functions
5.3.4 Test functions
5.3.5 Write tweak
5.4 Conclusion

Chapter 6 ARM level iOSRE
6.1 Basics of ARM disassembly
6.1.1 Concepts
6.1.2 ARM/THUMB instructions
6.1.3 ARM calling convention
6.2 Advanced methodology of writing a tweak
6.2.1 Cut into the target App and find the UI function
6.2.2 Locating the target function from the UI function
6.3 Advanced LLDB usage
6.4 Conclusion

Part IV Practices

Chapter 7 Characount for Notes 8
7.1 Notes
7.2 Tweak design
7.3 Tweak prototyping
7.3.1 Locating Notes executable
7.3.2 class-dump Notes headers
7.3.3 Find the controller of display view using Cycript
7.3.4 Get the current note object from the controller
7.3.5 Find a method to monitor note text change in real time
7.4 Result interpretation
7.5 Tweak writing
7.5.1 Create tweak project “Characount for Notes 8” using Theos
7.5.2 Compose CharacountForNotes8.h
7.5.3 Edit Tweak.xm
7.5.4 Edit Makefile and control files
7.5.5 Test
7.6 Conclusion

Chapter 8 Unsettled

Chapter 9 Saving Wechat’s sight
9.1 Wechat
9.2 Get Wechat’s header file and locate the point of the sight
9.2.1 Get Wechat’s header file using class-dump
9.2.2 Import the header file into Xcode
9.2.3 Locate the sight page using Reveal
9.3 Detect the data structure using Cycript
9.3.1 Locate the UI element of sight
9.3.2 Find the sight’s url
9.3.3 Find the sight’s local path
9.4 Get the sight’s url and local file
9.4.1 Create tweak project “wechat_video” using Theos
9.4.2 Long press to show the pop menu
9.4.3 Save the sight’s local file to the album
9.4.4 Copy the sight’s url
9.4.5 Cut out the related header files
9.4.6 Buid and test
9.5 Conclusion

Chapter 10 Detecting and sending iMessage
10.1 iMessage
10.2 Detect if an address supports iMessage
10.2.1 Cut into MobileSMS via its UI changes
10.2.2 Find placeholder using Cycript
10.2.3 Find the 1st datasource of placeholderText using IDA and LLDB
10.2.4 Find the Nth datasource of placeholderText using IDA and LLDB
10.2.5 Restore the process of the Nth datasource becoming placeholder
10.3 Send iMessage
10.3.1 Cut into MobileSMS via its UI changes
10.3.2 Find the function of “Send” button using Cycript
10.3.3 Find the suspicious send action in the function
10.4 Result interpretation
10.5 Tweak writing
10.5.1 Create tweak project “iOSREMadridMessenger” using Theos
10.5.2 Compose iOSREMadridMessenger.h
10.5.3 Edit Tweak.xm
10.5.4 Edit Makefile and control files
10.5.5 Test
10.6 Conclusion













  1. 技术感不那么强的章节已经被别人承包了……
  2. 第一版京东有售


