一个swift subscript使用的问题


/// Subscript by column name. Returns an invalid UntypedColumn if the DataTable does not contain the name.
    public subscript(columnName: String) -> CreateML.MLUntypedColumn

    /// Subscript by column name. Returns an invalid DataColumn if the DataTable does not contain the name.
    public subscript<Element>(columnName: String) -> CreateML.MLDataColumn<Element> where Element : MLDataValueConvertible

    /// Subscript by column name and type. Returns nil if no column has the given name or if the
    /// named column does not have the given type.
    public subscript<T>(columnName: String, columnType: T.Type) -> CreateML.MLDataColumn<T>? where T : MLDataValueConvertible { get }

    /// Subscript by the list of column names. Returns a DataTable with the specified columns
    public subscript<S>(columnNames: S) -> CreateML.MLDataTable where S : Sequence, S.Element == String { get }

他默认subscript使用直接xxx["xxx"]这样就行了,但是我想使用public subscript<Element>(columnName: String) -> CreateML.MLDataColumn<Element> where Element : MLDataValueConvertible 重载我就不知道怎么写了。翻官方文档没找到,还是我太菜了。刚入手swift语法不太会,去几个swift群里面问也没有啥结果,所以来这个大佬聚集的地方问一下。


import CreateML
import Cocoa

let manager = FileManager.default

let csvFile = "train.csv"
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: csvFile)
let option = MLDataTable.ParsingOptions(maxRows: 100000)
var dataTable = try MLDataTable(contentsOf: url, options: option)
let AppVersion = dataTable["IsBeta"]

