(lldb) breakpoint set --selector AddMsg:MsgWrap:
error: wechatHookTest.dylib(0x00000001050e8000) debug map object file ‘/Users/yudun1989/Desktop/wechat/wechathooktest/.theos/obj/debug/arm64/Tweak.xm.3276db1b.o’ has changed (actual time is 0x5964d570, debug map time is 0x59642e07) since this executable was linked, file will be ignored
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) help call
Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
Expects 'raw' input (see 'help raw-input'.)
Command Options Usage:
call <expr>
'call' is an abbreviation for 'expression --'