
大佬们。我是新手。已经可以生成deb,也起效了,想直接生成个ipa。一直提示错误,要一个develpement team,问题是已经选好了,如果不选的话 会有2个错误,选了变成1个。
Build target elhookDylib : 6:11:44 AM
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Build target elhookDylib
9 Project elhook I Configuration Debug I Destination I SDK ios 13.2
▼➊Check dependencies 0.1 seconds
91 A
Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: Signing for “elhookDylib” requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing &
Capabilities editor.
9 Signing for “elhookDyib” requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor.
