
ida和hopper 导入app后 要等很长时间 而且很卡 搜索都卡半天没反应 我只想看函数和对应的地址 有没有办法只导出函数名和地址的工具

nm 字数补丁

什么意思 请大神指教

我查半天 才知道字数补丁 啥意思 :rofl:

zsbd是什么意思 zsbd是什么梗 zsbd,根据语境不同,可能是几种不同词汇的缩写: 在论坛、贴吧等有最小发言字数的平台,一般指且仅指“字数补丁”。一些坛友的发言过于简短时会使用“字数补丁”四个字凑齐最小发言字数,后转变为首字母缩

OVERVIEW: llvm symbol table dumper

USAGE: nm [options]


Generic Options:

–help - Display available options (–help-hidden for more)
–help-list - Display list of available options (–help-list-hidden for more)
–version - Display the version of this program

llvm-nm Options:

-B - Alias for --format=bsd
-P - Alias for --format=posix
–add-dyldinfo - Add symbols from the dyldinfo not already in the symbol table, Mach-O only
–arch= - architecture(s) from a Mach-O file to dump
–debug-syms - Show all symbols, even debugger only
–defined-only - Show only defined symbols
–demangle - Demangle C++ symbol names
–dyldinfo-only - Show only symbols from the dyldinfo, Mach-O only
–dynamic - Display the dynamic symbols instead of normal symbols.
–extern-only - Show only external symbols
–format= - Specify output format
=bsd - BSD format
=sysv - System V format
=posix - POSIX.2 format
=darwin - Darwin -m format
–just-symbol-name - Print just the symbol’s name
-m - Alias for --format=darwin
–no-demangle - Don’t demangle symbol names
–no-dyldinfo - Don’t add any symbols from the dyldinfo, Mach-O only
–no-llvm-bc - Disable LLVM bitcode reader
–no-sort - Show symbols in order encountered
–no-weak - Show only non-weak symbols
–numeric-sort - Sort symbols by address
–portability - Alias for --format=posix
–print-armap - Print the archive map
–print-file-name - Precede each symbol with the object file it came from
–print-size - Show symbol size as well as address
–radix= - Radix (o/d/x) for printing symbol Values
=d - decimal
=o - octal
=x - hexadecimal
–reverse-sort - Sort in reverse order
–size-sort - Sort symbols by size
–undefined-only - Show only undefined symbols
-x - Print symbol entry in hex, Mach-O only

Pass @FILE as argument to read options from FILE.

多谢 大佬 :+1:

大佬 我导出 __objc_classname ,但是里面的类好像不全,我用dump-class找到的类的,在这里面查不到 请大佬指教