Add embedded font to Tweak

How do I add custom fonts to my tweak ? I usually added Fonts provided by application node in Info.plist file when I making apps for AppStore. So what about for jailbreaking tweaks ? May I need to load the target app’s Info.plist ?

Put some font files into a bundle and package the bundle with the dylib into a deb

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So can I use [ UIFont fontWithName:@"" size ] in my tweak then ?

If your tweak targets an AppStore app, I think you have to put the custom fonts into the .app bundle somehow

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I think Im facing issue with permission … When I tried to write the Info.plist file in target app, its returned null … what would I need ?

Where you are writing from?

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I was wrote from a method I hooked from target app ( e.g Facebook ) … But I know now , its impossible to modify files in bundle in Sandbox. So how can I modify those files from where ? Help me please @snakeninny

Reverse and see what bytafont does in font customization

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