Beginners Question

In this days i’m doing my first step ios reverse engineering, i learn by myself C, assembly x86\ARM and python.
i want to start investigate some ios appsand i dont know how to start
every help willbe more then welcome.

Thanks in advance,



Choose a simple iOS app and download it from App Store.
You must have a jailbreaked idevice or you cannot dump the decrypted executable file from memory.

here are some tools suggestion:

Disassemblers: IDA Pro, Hopper Disassembler
I suggest using hopper, it could modify the code and save it back to .ipa. By the way, it is cheaper than IDA.

Runtime instrumentation: Cycript, Frida

Tweaks/Packages: OpenSSH, usbmuxd, libimobiledevice, iFile or Filza(Option), AppSync Unified

Start from this free book : GitHub - iosre/iOSAppReverseEngineering: The world’s 1st book of very detailed iOS App reverse engineering skills :) which is wrote by owner of this bbs.

1 个赞

I am reading it! I do recommend it. Very clear language and it has a lot of information about.