Cycript: "unable to find process ... using ps"

Dear @snakeninny and all,

I’m trying to crack the OPlayer Lite by following this article 用dumpdecrypted给App砸壳.
But am encountering this issue. May I have your advise on this? Thanks in advance.

4062 ??         0:40.22 /var/mobile/Applications/E0AC87BB-A9CE-40AB-9852-16020DBD648E/OPlayer Lite
4100 ttys001    0:00.01 grep mobile
4S-W:~ root# cycript -p "OPlayer Lite"
unable to find process `OPlayer Lite' using ps
4S-W:~ root# cycript -p OPlayer\ Lite
unable to find process `OPlayer Lite' using ps
4S-W:~ root# 
4S-W:~ root# cycript -p 4062

Using PID as the arg would work

Thanks for your prompt reply, snakeninny!
Actually, I tried -p 4062, but just got a prompt “cy#”, I checked the Cycript Manual but no good.
Any idea? Thanks.

That’s how Cycript looks when it’s injected into a process correctly: it’s waiting for your next commands :slight_smile:
Happy hacking!

Ah ha! Noted!
Thanks for your help. Cheers!