
我今天尝试lldb去调试支付宝与高德地图,按照 狗神的实战:干掉高德地图7.2.0版iOS客户端的反动态调试保护文章,但是debugserver -x backboard 一直提示Segmentation fault: 11,会是什么原因呢?麻烦解答 谢谢!

debugserver -x backboard *:1234 /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/72601192-8897-47A6-ADCC-6F48FA54C22E/

debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:debugserver PROJECT:debugserver-340.3.51.1
for arm64.
Segmentation fault: 11

-x spring

2 个赞

我尝试了spring,以下是提示. 我看不太懂(╯□╰), 狗神能帮忙看下么~~
$ debugserver -x spring *:1234 /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/C60AF8CD-57F6-4A02-A9C1-5F07BABD0CA4/

error: invalid TYPE for the --launch=TYPE (-x TYPE) option: ‘spring’
Valid values TYPE are:
auto Auto-detect the best launch method to use.
posix Launch the executable using posix_spawn.
fork Launch the executable using fork and exec.
backboard Launch the executable through BackBoard Services.
frontboard Launch the executable through FrontBoard Services.

狗神, 我尝试了, debugserver -x posix *:1234 /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/C60AF8CD-57F6-4A02-A9C1-5F07BABD0CA4/

然后解决了~ 谢谢

1 个赞

@snakeninny 狗神打扰了, 还有一个问题。 通过image list -o -f,取到App第二列的值, 现在取到的值跟书上的有字长度差别,现在都是这么长的十六进制么,0x000000000008c000.

还有狗神怎么来取方法的地址 我一直没太明白O_O … 0x000000000008c000-0x00000001000936c0 = ? (这个是在命令行输入么, 但是输入了也没任何结果)

Ethans-iPhone5s:~ root# debugserver -x spring *:1234 /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/93FBFF00-688A-44FA-A87B-1E34879CE1EF/
error: invalid TYPE for the --launch=TYPE (-x TYPE) option: ‘spring’
Valid values TYPE are:
auto Auto-detect the best launch method to use.
posix Launch the executable using posix_spawn.
fork Launch the executable using fork and exec.
backboard Launch the executable through BackBoard Services.
frontboard Launch the executable through FrontBoard Services.
Ethans-iPhone5s:~ root# debugserver -x posix *:1234 /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/93FBFF00-688A-44FA-A87B-1E34879CE1EF/
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:debugserver PROJECT:debugserver-340.3.51.1
for arm64.
Listening to port 1234 for a connection from *…
Failed to get connection from a remote gdb process.
Ethans-iPhone5s:~ root#
