lldb的问题 求助大佬

iPad debugserver(substitute-loader.dylib)[6669] <Error>: ExtensionLoader <private>: Safemode parent directory <private> is blocked by sandbox.
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: debugserver will use ASL for internal logging.
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:LLDB  PROJECT:lldb-1200.2.12

iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: Connecting to com.apple.debugserver service...
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: Using secure socket proxy.
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: Got a connection, waiting for process information for launching or attaching.
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: 1 +0.000000 sec [1a0d/0303]: error: ::task_set_exception_ports ( task = 0x240b, exception_mask = 0x00001bfe, new_port = 0x2103, behavior = 0x80000001, new_flavor = 0x00000005 ) err = (os/kern) invalid argument (0x00000004)
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: error: MachProcess::AttachForDebug failed to start exception thread: (os/kern) invalid argument
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: error: Attach failed: "(os/kern) invalid argument".
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: error: attach failed.
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: 2 +0.001321 sec [1a0d/130b]: error: ::read ( 6, 0x16d4b6b20, 1024 ) => -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: debugserver secure socket proxy finish-block shut down.
iPad debugserver[6669] <Notice>: debugserver expedited exit.

Date/Time:           2023-10-24 18:29:28.5521 +0800
Launch Time:         2023-10-24 18:29:28.2327 +0800
OS Version:          iPhone OS 14.4.1 (18D61)
Release Type:        User
Baseband Version:    n/a
Report Version:      104

Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00200001020c0d60 -> 0x00000001020c0d60 (possible pointer authentication failure)
VM Region Info: 0x1020c0d60 is in 0x1020c0000-0x1020c8000;  bytes after start: 3424  bytes before end: 29343
      __TEXT                   102054000-1020c0000 [  432K] r-x/r-x SM=COW  ...n/debugserver
--->  __DATA_CONST             1020c0000-1020c8000 [   32K] r--/rw- SM=COW  ...n/debugserver
      __DATA                   1020c8000-1020cc000 [   16K] rw-/rw- SM=COW  ...n/debugserver

Termination Signal: Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process: exc handler [6616]
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 name:  main thread  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libc++.1.dylib                	0x00000001c05f1e84 std::__1::__shared_weak_count::__release_weak+ 261764 () + 32
1   debugserver                   	0x0000000102059404 0x102054000 + 21508
2   libsystem_c.dylib             	0x00000001b49110a8 __cxa_finalize_ranges + 408
3   libsystem_c.dylib             	0x00000001b4911400 exit + 28
4   debugserver                   	0x000000010205a6e4 0x102054000 + 26340
5   debugserver                   	0x000000010205c464 0x102054000 + 33892
6   libdyld.dylib                 	0x00000001ab1376b0 start + 4

这是两个报错代码 实在没懂为什么就报错了 用了rootdebug插件 就是我想打开app就断住 所以是wait等待app打开 这个会一会可以用一会报错 但是 就正常附加是可以用的 确实搞不懂了

有个巨奇怪的东西 就是 插拔数据线就可以了 搞不懂 搞不懂 是我的c口问题吗