Lldb 中如何下硬件访问断点。


__text:0101EBDE                 LDRB.W          R0, [SP,#0xE8+var_98]
__text:0101EBE2                 TST.W           R0, #1  ; 这里pc版本中的 比较cmp
__text:0101EBE6                 BEQ             loc_101EBEC ; 0
__text:0101EBE8                 LDR             R2, [SP,#0xE8+var_90]
__text:0101EBEA                 B               loc_101EBF2 ; 1

这里r2 是关键的值,里面是一段 秘钥

他是sp 偏移0x58位置里面 指针的值
我想在代码中 函数一开始就给 sp 偏移0x58位置下个断点 如果值改变就会下断。
在OD中可以给他下一个硬件断点,不熟悉lldb lldb要如何下断?

(lldb) h watchpoint
The following subcommands are supported:

      command -- A set of commands for adding, removing and examining bits of code to be executed
                 when the watchpoint is hit (watchpoint 'commmands').
      delete  -- Delete the specified watchpoint(s).  If no watchpoints are specified, delete them
      disable -- Disable the specified watchpoint(s) without removing it/them.  If no watchpoints
                 are specified, disable them all.
      enable  -- Enable the specified disabled watchpoint(s). If no watchpoints are specified,
                 enable all of them.
      ignore  -- Set ignore count on the specified watchpoint(s).  If no watchpoints are specified,
                 set them all.
      list    -- List all watchpoints at configurable levels of detail.
      modify  -- Modify the options on a watchpoint or set of watchpoints in the executable.  If no
                 watchpoint is specified, act on the last created watchpoint.  Passing an empty
                 argument clears the modification.
      set     -- A set of commands for setting a watchpoint.

For more help on any particular subcommand, type 'help <command> <subcommand>'.