ios 10.0.2 mac 10.13.2
1 debugserver *:1234 xx. xxAPP被唤醒,停留在启动页面
process connect connect://
Process 2190 stopped
- thread #1, stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
frame #0: 0x00000001027a9000
→ 0x1027a9000: mov x28, sp
0x1027a9004: and sp, x28, #0xfffffffffffffff0
0x1027a9008: mov x0, #0x0
0x1027a900c: mov x1, #0x0
Target 0: (No executable module.) stopped.
stonede-iPhone:~ root# debugserver -l debuglog.log -a 3343 *:1234
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:debugserver PROJECT:debugserver-360.0.26.1
for arm64.
Attaching to process 3343…
Segmentation fault: 11
1 +0.000000 sec [0d19/0403]: RNBRunLoopLaunchAttaching Attaching to pid 3343…
2 +0.005335 sec [0d19/0403]: MachProcess::MachProcess()
3 +0.000132 sec [0d19/0403]: (DebugNub) attaching to pid 3343…
4 +0.000987 sec [0d19/0403]: MachProcess::SetState(Unloaded) ignoring redundant state change…
5 +0.000224 sec [0d19/0403]: MachProcess::SetState(Attaching) upating state (previous state was Unloaded), event_mask = 0x00000001
6 +0.013284 sec [0d19/0403]: MachTask::StartExceptionThread ( )
7 +0.000304 sec [0d19/0403]: ::task_for_pid ( target_tport = 0x0103, pid = 3343, &task ) => err = 0x00000000 (success) err = 0x00000000
8 +0.000168 sec [0d19/0403]: ::task_info ( target_task = 0x0d07, flavor = TASK_BASIC_INFO, task_info_out => 0x16fdaa588, task_info_outCnt => 10 ) err = 0x00000000
9 +0.000107 sec [0d19/0403]: task_basic_info = { suspend_count = 0, virtual_size = 0x52861000, resident_size = 0x030bc000, user_time = 1.219109, system_time = 1.219109 }
10 +0.000220 sec [0d19/0403]: MachException::PortInfo::Save ( task = 0x0d07 )
11 +0.000157 sec [0d19/0403]: ::task_get_exception_ports ( task = 0x0d07, mask = 0x13fe, maskCnt => 1, ports, behaviors, flavors ) err = 0x00000000
12 +0.000171 sec [0d19/0403]: ::task_set_exception_ports ( task = 0x0d07, exception_mask = 0x000013fe, new_port = 0x1a07, behavior = 0x80000001, new_flavor = 0x00000005 ) err = 0x00000000