If you happen to face the same problem:
FunMaker-MBP:~ snakeninny$ cmake
-bash: cmake: command not found
FunMaker-MBP:~ snakeninny$ brew install cmake
Warning: cmake-3.3.2 already installed, it's just not linked
Then the solution is simply to create a link like this:
FunMaker-MBP:~ snakeninny$ ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.3.2/bin/cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake
And let’s try again:
FunMaker-MBP:~ snakeninny$ cmake
cmake [options] <path-to-source>
cmake [options] <path-to-existing-build>
Specify a source directory to (re-)generate a build system for it in the
current working directory. Specify an existing build directory to
re-generate its build system.
Run 'cmake --help' for more information.